Patient Commons for eHealth
The WeObservatory launches the Patients Commons for eHealth (WePatients) to support patient empowerment in self-management of chronic conditions, pregnancy, disaster preparedness and ageing. The objective is to raise awareness of behavioral change models and tools that can be applied to improve patient adherence and patients' health outcomes. WePatients provides information on eHealth projects focused on patient empowerment along the stages of life, as well as resources, publications and patients' stories in three languages: English, French and Spanish.
eHealth Projects for Patients Empowerment at the WeObservatory by Stages of Life
Tags: diabetes, chronic care, online video education
Languages: Español, Català Little Teo is going back to school after being diagnosed with diabetes. How to tell his schoolmates that he has to care for his nutrition ?
See the videos in Spanish and English here: (coming soon) |
DISASTER PREPAREDNESS FOR PREGNANT ADOLESCENT GIRLS: Facing the Consequences of Typhoon Haygan in Philippines
Tags: emergencies, maternal and child care
Languages: English This health mission is focused on disaster preparedness and providing emergency kits, maternal health information and training to pregnant adolescents.
Tags: chronic care, patient empowerment, virtual nurse, eHealth
Languages: English VIH-TAVIE™ aims to enable patients living with HIV to incorporate the therapeutic regimen into their daily routine, coping with the side effects of medication and handling situations or circumstances that might interfere with medication intake. It also seeks to help patients interact with health professionals and mobilize social support. The VIH-TAVIE™ intervention consists of four computer sessions each 20-30 minutes long, in which the user interacts with an animated “virtual” nurse (in French or English). The nurse guides the individual through a process of learning about the aptitudes required to optimize treatment adherence. The ultimate objective of the VIH-TAVIE™ project is to make support available to patients living with HIV at all times and at their convenience in order to help them develop the skills needed to meet the challenges inherent to their health condition.
See video here. |
Tags: maternal and child health, online education
Languages: Español e-PREVENTION's goal is to accelerate technology development, deployment, and implementation for sustainability and widespread public health impact for indigenous populations in Peru. It aims to facilitate the availability of and access to online training opportunities in prevention of tropical diseases for nurses in rural areas and for patients living in indigenous communities. The project provides access to an online library and multimedia resources.
Tags: diabetes
Languages: Albanian An online patient education brochure in Albanian focused on preventing the consequences of diabetes, in particular among rural women living in Kosovo.
Tags: elderly, telehealth
Languages: English These research-based community telehealth centers seek to maximize available technologies to improve gerontologic health through elderly patients empowerment. The centers enable delivery of patient healthcare education and facilitate information exchange, therefore solving geographical health service disparities among patients living in remote areas.
Tags: elderly, distant communication
Languages: English, Français Development of a system of communication, using Skype, that allows ageing patients, regardless of their level of cognition, to interact virtually and bond with families and loved ones across generations, living anywhere in the world, without leaving the comfort and familiarity of their own room.
Resources for Patient Education
and Empowerment
MyVictories - Le journal de bord de votre santé
About Patient Empowerment – ENOPE -European Network on Patient Empowerment (ENOPE)
The goal of ENOPE is to promote patient empowerment in Europe through evidence based programmes which focus on living with chronic disease.
The ENOPE network brings together organizations which implement or plan to implement such programmes though out Europe.
Patient empowerment puts the patient in the heart of services. It is about designing and delivering health and social care services in a way, which is inclusive and enables citizens to take control of their health care needs.
About Patient Empowerment – ENOPE -European Network on Patient Empowerment (ENOPE)
The goal of ENOPE is to promote patient empowerment in Europe through evidence based programmes which focus on living with chronic disease.
The ENOPE network brings together organizations which implement or plan to implement such programmes though out Europe.
Patient empowerment puts the patient in the heart of services. It is about designing and delivering health and social care services in a way, which is inclusive and enables citizens to take control of their health care needs.
Université des Patients, Paris
Université des Patients, Aix-Marseille
Certificat d'Université d'éducation thérapeutique pour patients - experts
Certificat d'Université d'éducation thérapeutique pour patients experts - Cours 2014 - 2015
Université de Montreal – University of Montreal
Université des Patients, Aix-Marseille
Certificat d'Université d'éducation thérapeutique pour patients - experts
Certificat d'Université d'éducation thérapeutique pour patients experts - Cours 2014 - 2015
Université de Montreal – University of Montreal
De l'observance à l'adhésion : les patients livrent leurs recommandations.
Santé mobile et connectée : usages et attentes des malades chroniques - Les résultats de l'enquête du Lab e-santé.
Au top 5 des mApps téléchargées figurent, par ordre de fréquence :
1. Les applications type carnet de suivi.
2. Les applications d'informations sur la maladie (nettement plus souvent téléchargées par les diabétiques).
3. Les applications sur les actualités liées à la maladie.
4. Les mApps liées à des objets connectés (là encore, plus souvent par des patients diabétiques).
5. Les bases de données sur les médicaments.
eHealth, participatory medicine, and ethical care: a focus group study of patients and health care providers use of health-related internet information.
Impact d'internet dans la relation patient-soignant: une thèse et un mémoire primés par la Fondation MACSF.
Le Dr Anne Sellier de Guis a obtenu le troisième prix dans la catégorie "professions médicales" pour sa thèse de médecine, soutenue en 2010 à la faculté de Nancy, intitulée "Impact d'internet dans la relation médecin-patient: une étude en ligne à destination des patients".
Clarisse Folcher a obtenu le troisième prix dans la catégorie "Professions paramédicales" pour son mémoire de diplôme d'infirmière, soutenu en 2014 à l'institut de formation en soins infirmiers (Ifsi) de Bagnols-sur-Cèze (Gard) et intitulé "Le patient internaute et la relation soignant-soigné".
"Ce mémoire soulève que l'impact d'internet sera tout d'abord guidé par les motivations des patients, c'est-à-dire selon une angoisse non identifiée ou sur une simple curiosité intellectuelle. Les patients internautes demanderont aux soignants une véritable adaptabilité. La situation éclaircie, les infirmiers devront côtoyer réassurance, apaisement et disponibilité afin d'instaurer une relation de confiance solide et adéquate au contexte de soin. Les professionnels retrouveront ainsi leur place de numéro un auprès des patients en reconstruisant leur crédibilité", détaille le communiqué.
Modèles et Pratiques en Education du Patient :Apports Internationaux
5es Journées de la prévention, Paris, 2-3 avril 2009
Beyond xMOOCs in Healthcare Education: Study of the Feasibility in Integrating Virtual Patient Systems and MOOC Platforms
Natalia Stathakarou, Nabil Zary, Andrzej A. Kononowicz (2014)
Santé mobile et connectée : usages et attentes des malades chroniques - Les résultats de l'enquête du Lab e-santé.
Au top 5 des mApps téléchargées figurent, par ordre de fréquence :
1. Les applications type carnet de suivi.
2. Les applications d'informations sur la maladie (nettement plus souvent téléchargées par les diabétiques).
3. Les applications sur les actualités liées à la maladie.
4. Les mApps liées à des objets connectés (là encore, plus souvent par des patients diabétiques).
5. Les bases de données sur les médicaments.
eHealth, participatory medicine, and ethical care: a focus group study of patients and health care providers use of health-related internet information.
Impact d'internet dans la relation patient-soignant: une thèse et un mémoire primés par la Fondation MACSF.
Le Dr Anne Sellier de Guis a obtenu le troisième prix dans la catégorie "professions médicales" pour sa thèse de médecine, soutenue en 2010 à la faculté de Nancy, intitulée "Impact d'internet dans la relation médecin-patient: une étude en ligne à destination des patients".
Clarisse Folcher a obtenu le troisième prix dans la catégorie "Professions paramédicales" pour son mémoire de diplôme d'infirmière, soutenu en 2014 à l'institut de formation en soins infirmiers (Ifsi) de Bagnols-sur-Cèze (Gard) et intitulé "Le patient internaute et la relation soignant-soigné".
"Ce mémoire soulève que l'impact d'internet sera tout d'abord guidé par les motivations des patients, c'est-à-dire selon une angoisse non identifiée ou sur une simple curiosité intellectuelle. Les patients internautes demanderont aux soignants une véritable adaptabilité. La situation éclaircie, les infirmiers devront côtoyer réassurance, apaisement et disponibilité afin d'instaurer une relation de confiance solide et adéquate au contexte de soin. Les professionnels retrouveront ainsi leur place de numéro un auprès des patients en reconstruisant leur crédibilité", détaille le communiqué.
Modèles et Pratiques en Education du Patient :Apports Internationaux
5es Journées de la prévention, Paris, 2-3 avril 2009
Beyond xMOOCs in Healthcare Education: Study of the Feasibility in Integrating Virtual Patient Systems and MOOC Platforms
Natalia Stathakarou, Nabil Zary, Andrzej A. Kononowicz (2014)
Patients' Stories
This section provides a series of stories from patients, collected through the 15 eHealth projects from 11 countries that have been selected for inclusion into the WeObservatory.
WeObservatory Selected Projects
Patient-Centric Questionnaire Proposed to Nurses for Measuring the Impact of ICT use on Patients' Health Outcomes.
(More to come soon)
WeObservatory Selected Projects
Patient-Centric Questionnaire Proposed to Nurses for Measuring the Impact of ICT use on Patients' Health Outcomes.
(More to come soon)
MicroHealth, a mobile health startup to help patients take control of their chronic illnesses
A patient's eye view of the digital doctor
Patient : Trusted medical information and support
Médias sociaux, patients et partenariat de soins
ePatients Blog
Survey results indicated that 83% women do not trust pharmaceutical companies
Young Women's Hearts at Risk
Le vêtement digital israélien qui va révolutionner la médecine
Ascom Myco™ (My companion) – Inspired by Nurses to connect with their Patients
The State of the Connected Patient in 2015
Using the patient centered observation form: Evaluation of an online training program
How Patients Use Digital Healthcare in USA
What do women do online in OECD Countries, March 2015
Telemedicine, the patient's perspective in South Africa
The Corporate Reputation of Pharma in 2014 - the Patient Perspective
Patient Activation Measure (PAM)
Pr Sabina De Geest, Chair of the Department of Public Health of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Basel, Switzerland
Leuven Basel Adherence Research Group, an international, interdisciplinary research group focusing on behavioural and psychosocial issues in chronically ill patient populations (e.g., solid organ & stem cell transplantation), with the ultimate goal of improving clinical outcomes. Projects currently conducted in Europe, Australia and North- & South-America focus on the prevalence, determinants and consequences (both clinical and economic) of non-adherence to medication regimens, and on testing the efficacy of adherence enhancing interventions, recently also including interactive health technology.
more details here
A patient's eye view of the digital doctor
Patient : Trusted medical information and support
Médias sociaux, patients et partenariat de soins
ePatients Blog
Survey results indicated that 83% women do not trust pharmaceutical companies
Young Women's Hearts at Risk
Le vêtement digital israélien qui va révolutionner la médecine
Ascom Myco™ (My companion) – Inspired by Nurses to connect with their Patients
The State of the Connected Patient in 2015
Using the patient centered observation form: Evaluation of an online training program
How Patients Use Digital Healthcare in USA
What do women do online in OECD Countries, March 2015
Telemedicine, the patient's perspective in South Africa
The Corporate Reputation of Pharma in 2014 - the Patient Perspective
Patient Activation Measure (PAM)
Pr Sabina De Geest, Chair of the Department of Public Health of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Basel, Switzerland
Leuven Basel Adherence Research Group, an international, interdisciplinary research group focusing on behavioural and psychosocial issues in chronically ill patient populations (e.g., solid organ & stem cell transplantation), with the ultimate goal of improving clinical outcomes. Projects currently conducted in Europe, Australia and North- & South-America focus on the prevalence, determinants and consequences (both clinical and economic) of non-adherence to medication regimens, and on testing the efficacy of adherence enhancing interventions, recently also including interactive health technology.
more details here