GEM Digital Day|Un évènement de la Chaire GEM
"Talents de la transformation digitale" | Evénement La Chaire GEM-Orange "Digital Natives"
14:30 - 15:30 Femmes et Transformation digitale
Animateur :
Severine LE LOARNE
Speakers :
Auriane MARSAN
Nathalie NAVARRO
Véronique Inès THOUVENOT
1er et 2 Décembre, Paris
Présentation de WeTelemed, le réseau global des femmes en Télémédecine, avec les programmes des infirmières de Connecting Nurses en Télémédecine, ePrevencion au Pérou, TeleNurse aux USA et CloudBabies Tele-Stethoscope en Australie.
Journée d’étude du 25 novembre 2016 « Et si les femmes étaient la clé de la transformation ? »
Organisé par la Chaire Femmes et Renouveau Economique"
Tedx CharacatoWomen Peru
El evento TEDxCharacatoWomen se llevó a cabo el 15 de octubre en el Centro de Convenciones Hotel "Tierra Sur" (Calle Consuelo 210, Arequipa - Perú) desde las 8:00 am hasta las 20:00 horas (Calle Santa Catalina No. 208 Arequipa).
Panamerican Colloquium of Nursing Research, 3 - 7 October, Mexico City, Mexico
Lady Murrugarra presents ePrevencion in Peru
Lady Murrugarra presents ePrevencion in Peru
The WeObservatory presents Pan Milar, Sage femmes et Femmes migrantes,
UniversalWomen web app,
UniversalNurse mobile app.
Video of the presentation of the conference by Atalanti Moquette, Founder Giving Women
2016 Programme
2016 Speakers
Pan Milar pour les femmes migrantes présenté à Giving Women
On the integration panel, Véronique Thouvenot, of the Millenia Foundation spoke about the programme that is in place in Lausanne to help pregnant women who arrive in Switzerland, not speaking the language and without any family or friends to support them. As a result, midwives work to make sure that they receive information regarding their pregnancy in their native language.
Speakers and moderators at the Digital Communities session
Global Forum, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 19 - 20 Septembre
Read Abstract here
Interview of Franka Cadee, Midwife and creator of Twin2Twin
Read Abstract here
Interview of Franka Cadee, Midwife and creator of Twin2Twin
G. Rouleau, D. Carvalho, P. Kouri, V. Thouvenot and N. Hardiker
Connecting Nurses and the Women Observatory for eHealth of the Foundation Millennia2025 were presented by Nick Hardiker RN PhD FACMI, and Veronique Thouvenot MBA, Ph.D. A.Maths, at the 13th International Congress in Nursing Informatics, 20 June 2016, in Geneva. Innovation was at the center of the presentation illustrated by several projects posted by nurses at Care Challenge platform awarded by Connecting Nurses and selected at the WeObservatory, as Telehealth and Elederly by Michael Dino, Philippines.
Genevieve Rouleau, Coordinator of the Chaire de recherche sur les nouvelles pratiques de soins infirmiers at the CHUM Montreal, Québec, Canada, presented the project TAVIE and it's extension to women living with HIV and benefiting of the Virtual Nurse services, TAVIE Women, recently awarded in Montreal at the Prix Egalité Thérèse Casgrain.
EHealth for all, also reaches young children living with diabetes at school, another great initiative of nurse Norma Grau in Barcelona, Spain.
As nurses work in diverse contexts in the world, the presentation ended by the official launch of UniversalNurse mobile app to facilitate multilingual communication between nurses and their patients, in 8 languages, powered by UniversalDoctor and Tools SL, recently awarded at UN World Summit Award for Mobile Health App in Dubai.
Abstract in PubMed
⇒ Séminaires de la chaire Recherche Sciences Infirmieres, Université Paris 13, 21 Avril 2016
Find all photos of the Event on our Blog
Read the interview of Dr. PirSFTEH Vice-President, by Doyna Zharavina
Read the interview of Elinaz Mahdavy of Orange Healthcare, By Doyna Zharavina
Read the interview of Dr. PirSFTEH Vice-President, by Doyna Zharavina
Read the interview of Elinaz Mahdavy of Orange Healthcare, By Doyna Zharavina
Medetel 2016, Luxembourg , 6-8 April
Special Session on Women, 6 April 2016, organized by the ISfTeH Working Group on Women and Millennia2025 WeObservatory.
Read the Abstract here
Special Session on Women, 6 April 2016, organized by the ISfTeH Working Group on Women and Millennia2025 WeObservatory.
Read the Abstract here
⇒ Fundación Telefónica - Banco del Libro, Caracas, Venezuela, 30 de Marzo 2016
Photos Caracas - Alicia Ponte Sucre
Photos Caracas - Alicia Ponte Sucre